Things to do if you are bored at home - Part 1
As we don't know how long we will be like this, we must keep our minds as busy as we can. Even if sometimes getting distracted seems impossible.
In my case, this situation annoys me as a pain in my ass, and I imagine that if you are like me (locked at home for a week, right now), you are feeling the same way.
Trying to improve a little our situation, I have made a list of ideas that could be useful to kill boredom.
So, let's start with the list and please, be patient if you notice any mistake in my writing. I'm doing my best to improve my English skills :D
Play online games with your friends
With this, I don't mean playing the typical videogames as Fortnite or LoL. Although these are valid games too, I'm talking about classic games like Monopoly or Trivial... Or even Parchís or Chinchón could do their jobs while you are doing a videocall on Skype with your friends. The game we are going to play today it's called Pinturillo, a classic game if what you want is fooling around with your friends.
Do some sport in streaming
Join to the classes in direct that so many youtubers are preparing for all of you as Patry Jordan, in her channel Gym Virtual, o Xuan Lan. There are some brands, like Oysho, wich are collaborating with influencers to make their own schedule. I'll let some timetables so you can follow the classes due to they use as Youtube as Instagram:
Oysho's Schedule |
Xuan Lan's classes |
Don't forget that if these schedules don't suit your time, the same youtubers have recorded a lot of videos and classes that you can follow at any moment, not to mention the ton of videos that you can find in Youtube, practising all the spots that you can imagine like Sh'bam, Body Combat...
I'm sure that there is a perfect video for you in Youtube waiting to be seen.
To complete this section, this website in specific, Les Mills, is my favourite to practise exercise. The videos that you can find here are about a guided class by a teacher:
I'm sure that there is a perfect video for you in Youtube waiting to be seen.
To complete this section, this website in specific, Les Mills, is my favourite to practise exercise. The videos that you can find here are about a guided class by a teacher:
Learn new things
I've compiled some free courses that you can follow if you are interested about graphic desing, blogging or even photography. Anyway, if you look up on the Internet or Youtube, I'm sure you will find tons of courses and classes.
- Graphic Design, from Creative Mindly (In Spanish but you can always use the translator)
- Blogging from Domestika
- Professional photography and video with your smartphone from Domestika
- Creative photography for social media de Domestika
Be creative. I always looking for million reasons not to write. And I always use the same old ones, because I'm that original: "This isn't going to be enough good", "this idea it's pure poop...".
Anyway, I'm sure that in your country there are many initiatives in Facebook or other websites where someone writes the firts sentence and you have to continue with a short story.
Anyway, there are some apps like Auctor for Android or iDeas for Writing for Apple.
Clean and organise your life and space
You can start with things that you use every day, like your smarphone. Delete apps that you don't use yet, photos and videos from Whatsapp, screenshots that you won't need anymore or docs that are only occupying memory in your devices. You can even organise your laptop (because I can accumulate docs even in triplicate :D).
Then, you can continue with your closet. Put in a bag clothes that don't suits you, that you dislike, and donate them to charity or sell them.
I must confess that I'm a geek about stationary things, books and makeup and, for the moment, I only cleaned my desk :D (Leave a comment if you want a desk tour :D). My next step will be to clean my vanity and to reorganise my book shelves. Anyway, step by step, because we have a long long time ahead.
And that's all for today. Tomorrow, as a special occasion, I'll post the continuation with more ideas that you can use to kill boredom.
Then, you can continue with your closet. Put in a bag clothes that don't suits you, that you dislike, and donate them to charity or sell them.
I must confess that I'm a geek about stationary things, books and makeup and, for the moment, I only cleaned my desk :D (Leave a comment if you want a desk tour :D). My next step will be to clean my vanity and to reorganise my book shelves. Anyway, step by step, because we have a long long time ahead.
And that's all for today. Tomorrow, as a special occasion, I'll post the continuation with more ideas that you can use to kill boredom.
I hope you are handling this quarantine better than me, or at least, with a bit more of dignity because I dented the walls with my headbutts :D.
A super huge kiss for all of you!
-Débora ♥-
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